You could soon earn money just by posting memes to Reddit

by Miles Warren

If you use Reddit , you’ll probably know about Reddit Silver, Gold, and Platinum. These coins or badges, depending on how you see them, give users a way to reward other users whenever they make a particular post that they absolutely love. Reddit coins show up next to the post they’ve been awarded to and some of them bestow particular bonuses upon the user who receives them. A Gold award gives a week’s free access to Reddit Premium while Platinum gives a month’s access.

Whereas access to the ad-free Reddit Premium certainly has its perks, there is nothing in this world like hard cash-money. The big news? Reddit is working on a tipping system that will allow users to give other Reddit users real cash.

Reddit is currently testing a real-money inter-user tipping system

The new tipping feature is currently only available in one subreddit and only a single user on the whole site is currently able to receive tips. The subreddit in question is r/shittymorph and that lucky user is, well, u/shittymorph .

The new feature was announced in a post on the shittymorph subreddit and laid out just how it will work. The post reads, “Anyone in r/shittymorph can now tip u/shittymorph for the content he posts to this subreddit. Tipping is only available on new Reddit. Furthermore, this is an experimental feature available only in this subreddit, and no other community… Tip payments are handled entirely by Stripe. We don’t store any of your payment information.”

Tips received for a comment show up where you’d normally see Reddit Silver, Gold, and Platinum awards and at the time of writing r/shittymorph had received $81 in tips for his top comment on the post.

Below each post r/shittypost makes, there is now a new tip button. Clicking the button opens up a tip box, which shows four tipping options. Users can tip $3, $5, $10 or select other and tip anything up to $100. According to the post announcing the new feature, the recipient will receive around 78.5% of all tips given. Reddit will receive a massive 18.5% and Stripe, which handles all the payments will take 3% of every tip.

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When users decide to make a tip, the tip box will give the option to input credit card details and then Stripe will handle the transfer.

There is no news yet about a general roll-out but this is a very interesting feature for Reddit to be testing. The Reddit community is vast, and conversations cover all sorts of topics. Some of the most heartwarming Reddit stories, however, come from users seeking financial advice during times of hardship and other users responding with offers to send food or even cash. It’ll be interesting to see if tips will soon be sent in such situations.

There’s also the potential for some shady activity, as Reddit is often a promotional tool for adult models, who are already asking fans to support them financially in exchange for certain photos or videos. We’ll have to stay tuned to see how this all plays out.

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